Bengal Music College offers various courses on Music, Classical Dance, Paintings & Recitations
- 75 years old music institute
- Founded by Late Nanigopal Bandyopadhyay
- Nurtured by eminent music scholars
- Nucleus of assorted activities to expand and propagate cultural pursuits
Bengal Music College is a well known name in the cultural milieu of Bengal. Established in 1940 by the selfless services of Late Nanigopal Bandyopadhyay, the founder principal and invaluable efforts of eminent persons like Late Manindra Chandra Chakrabarty and Late Kshitish Chandra Bandyopadhyay, Bengal Music College has evolved as a prominent centre where the young minds get a chance to hone their cultural skills.
Since inception, the institution stands affiliated to Bhatkhand Sangeet Vidyalaya, Lucknow offering Diploma Courses on various subjects of performing arts.
In 1956, Bengal Music College came to be affiliated to Calcutta University. Two separate but interconnected Departments evolved- one offering Degree courses and the other Diploma courses to the students.
In 1961, Bengal Music College was registered under the Societies Registration Act,1860 and Bengal Music College Society was formed. Both the Departments of the College were governed by the managing committee of the society.
The Management of the Department offering Degree Courses was however taken over by the Calcutta University in the year 1978. At present the Bengal Music College continues to offer Diploma Courses on a varied field of performing Arts.
The present building of the College stands on the land donated by the Calcutta improvement Trust. On 29th July 1962, the then Minister of Science and Cultural Affairs of the Government of India, Late Humayun Kabir laid the foundation Stone of the building.
The Institution, in the course of its illustrious journey has produced some of the finest talents who shine bright on the cultural horizon of the country.Luminaries like Suchitra Sen, Purba Dam are some of the notable alumni of the institution.
Revered personalities like Hemanta Mukherjee, Akhilbandhu Ghosh were associated as faculties of the institution.
Carrying on it rich legacy of the yesteryears, the Institution functions with zeal and commitment to the cause of performing Arts and promotes the rich cultural diversity of the country.

Affiliation of BMC
Bengal Music College offers affiliations accross cultural institutes of India, for all of its courses currently being taught. The college encourages all the cultural institutes offering courses on Music, Arts & Dance, to apply for the affiliation.
In the year 1956 Bengal Music College was affiliated to the University of Calcutta under the initiation of the founder Principal Late N.G. Bandyopadhyay. B. Mus. (Pass) and music as Elective subject of B.A. / B.Sc. Degree course have been continuing for the last five decades. This College has distinguished itself as a pioneer in the field of music education in West Bengal. The record of its development now spans over a few decades during which a potent concept had considerable impact on the educational & cultural life of West Bengal and the college showed a spectacular progress in the field of teaching music overcoming all the advertise and problems.
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